Male, female : the evolution of human sex differences

Détails bibliographiques
Auteur principal : Geary David C. (Auteur)
Format : Livre
Langue : anglais
Titre complet : Male, female : the evolution of human sex differences / David C. Geary
Édition : 2nd edition
Publié : Washington (D.C.) : American Psychological Association , cop. 2010
Description matérielle : 1 vol. (XV-555 p.)
Contenu : Beginnings. Natural selection and the evolution of sex. Sexual selection. Sexual selection and life history. Sexual selection in primates and during human evolution. Evolution of fatherhood. Choosing mates. Competing for mates. Evolution and development of the human mind. Sex differences in infancy and at play. Sex differences in social development. Sex differences in folk psychology. Sex differences in folk biology and folk physics
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