Search Results - Bardollet Louis
- Showing 1 - 5 results of 5
Les mythes, les dieux et l'homme : essai sur la poésie homérique / by Bardollet, Louis
Published 1997Call Number: Loading…
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L'Iliade ; L'Odyssée / by Homère (08..?-08..? av. J.-C.)
Published 1995Call Number: Loading…
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Les cultes à mystères dans l'Antiquité / by Burkert, Walter (1931-2015)
Published 1992Call Number: Loading…
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Les tragiques grecs. 1, Eschyle, Sophocle / by Eschyle (0525?-0456 av. J.-C.), Sophocle (0496?-0406 av. J.-C.)
Published 2001Call Number: Loading…
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Dithyrambes ; Épinicies ; Fragments / by Bacchylide (0518?-0450? av. J.-C.)
Published 1993Call Number: Loading…
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